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List of Supporters

Major Supporters


City of London Corporation

ICAEW logo.jpg

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

innovate finance logo 2.jpg
ICAS Master Logo_L.JPG

Chartered Accountants

Grays Inn_Crest Logo_RGB Solid Backgroun
Bar Council Logo 2019 - teal-01.jpg
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elba white with black background.jpg
LCLBA logo.png

The London Common Law and Commercial Bar association

Barristers Chambers

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4 pump court_edited.png
Henderson logo_edited.png
33 bedford row_edited.png
3vb logo.png
South Square Logo_edited.png
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Barristers Chambers
How to Support

How to Support

In addition to signatory firms, other organisations are able to sign up as Supporters of the Charter. 


We particularly encourage

public sector institutions

regulatory bodies

trade and professional associations

in the UK and overseas to do so. These organisations are in an ideal position to be active advocates of the Charter and they can use the Charter to promote equality of opportunity for Black talent in business and professional life more generally.


We also welcome support from other organisations and from individuals who may not be in a position of direct influence and advocacy, but who can still show their support for this initiative. Supporting organisations may include educational institutions, not-for-profit and public sector entities, to name just a few.


As well as being general advocates and allies, Supporters specifically commit to advocate for the Fundamental Objective of the Charter.

Supporters ad Signatories

Supporters and Signatories

Supporting organisations whose management structures fit the model envisaged by the Charter are also encouraged to become signatories to the Charter themselves.  Similarly, signatory firms are strongly encouraged to be supporters and advocates of the Charter and its aims, objectives and approach.


A full list of supporters will be published here in due course and updated periodically.


The Charter for Black Talent in Finance and the Professions supports and is an ally of

the Race at Work Charter (

Change the Race Ratio (

the Women in Finance Charter (

the Race Fairness Commitment (

10000 Black Interns (


Although they are different in their focus and pledges, all of these charters and commitments are complementary, since they all drive the commitment to improve diversity and inclusion in UK business.  Firms can and should sign two or more of these charters as important elements of a comprehensive equal opportunities strategy.


Signatories to the Race at Work Charter, Change the Race Ratio, the Women in Finance Charter, Race Awareness Commitment and the 10000 Black Interns initiative are strongly encouraged to commit in turn to this Charter with its particular focus on


‘levelling up’ and improving equality of opportunity for Black talent in and across the financial and professional services, and


consolidating pipelines of Black talent for promotion to senior executive leadership through a data-driven approach which measures progress against clear targets and action plans.



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